On May 31 celebrate World No Tobacco Day. Each year on this date with various initiatives focusing on health risks associated with tobacco use. 

Statistics for health damage from smoking is becoming increasingly alarming. Smoking kills about 5 million people annually. More than 1 billion smokers are in the world, nearly 100 million were Europeans. More than 770 million children in the world are exposed to passive smoking. 

In recent years, experts warn of a worrying trend regarding the increased number of smokers. According to global data, 40% of men and 9% of women worldwide smoke. 

Each year 1.5 million women die from diseases caused by smoking. 

In EU countries the number of cancer cases associated with tobacco use is increasing faster in women than in men. There is a sharp increase in female mortality from cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lungs caused by smoking. 

The trend of increasing proportion of women who smoke, are clearly seen in Bulgaria. 

Women smokers are more likely to suffer from infertility and delayed conception. The ladies who smoke during pregnancy are at increased risk of premature birth, birth of a dead fetus or newborn death. Smoking can lead to a reduction in breast milk. 

Cigarettes and reduce the effectiveness of assisted reproduction such as IVF. 

Because of these facts, the theme of this year's World No Tobacco Day was the harm of smoking on pregnancy. 

Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 harmful substances and carries a high health risk for lung cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Tobacco use is the cause of at least one cancerous neoplasm in 7 worldwide, including lung cancer and respiratory, head kidney, bladder, cervix. Each year, registering about 1.2 million new cases of lung cancer. 

Statistics show that 90% of all deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are caused by smoking cigarettes.90% of deaths due to lung cancer in men and almost 80% of deaths in the same cancer, but women are caused by smoking because the toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke can transform cells airway malignant. 

Smoking not only damages the lungs, but a number of other vital body parts. Habit causes than bad breath, accelerated aging of cells, reduces fertility and cause impotence. 

Passive smoking is a major risk factor for acute and chronic respiratory diseases, reduced lung function in children and young people, and increased respiratory symptoms in adults.When the mother is smoker, the risk of respiratory illness in children is 2 times higher. 

Bulgaria occupies one of the leading places in Central and Eastern Europe and the world in tobacco consumption, as an extremely high level of smoking was observed among young people. Smoking usually starts at an early age. Most young people underestimate the potential of tobacco to create addiction. Pharmacological and behavioral processes that determine tobacco and nicotine addiction are similar to those of other drugs such as heroin and cocaine. 
To quit smoking is difficult but not impossible. The refusal of the habit could not be provoked by another, the decision was personal and often based on their own preference and choice ...

Preference - because actually speaking lit cigarette smoke and pulling her play image, which internally we choose to emulate.Try to imagine how you see a time when smoking, can not remember what provoked you to light the first cigarette, how the experience has become a game it a habit and ultimately has led to dependence.

Ever wondered why repeated attempts to renounce smoking have met with failure? The reason is that you are not admitted to myself that the followers of thrust upon us from community model. Actually, I like you to smoke. The first essential step in quitting tobacco is to find this image. When you know who is against you, the battle is easier.

Try to quit smoking. Any attempt you dobrizhava more to search results. Studies show that people have left the cigarettes before finally stopping, made before 5-6 attempts. So it is never too late to stop.
Practical advice on how to stop smoking
Getting Started
Choose a date, but in the next 2 weeks. The important thing is that it is clear, is shown in the calendar. Otherwise perfect day never comes.
To make it easier to enforce the decision, make a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking. The reasons may be wholesome, family - children hardly feel good to feel the unpleasant odor of tobacco breath and your clothes. The financial argument is convincing.
Linking some of the events of quitting smoking also bear fruit.These include pregnancy, childbirth or grandchild, moving into a new home ...
When the day is near ...
Consider whether you could not stop on any type of exercise or a hobby to replace the holding of the cigarette and engage your mind. Specialists recommend activities such as assembling miniature models of ships, knitting, playing mobile phone, etc..
Try to limit places to light a cigarette. For example, do not smoke at home or in the car.
Informed about alternatives to cigarettes - such as nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, tablets and medications to facilitate abstinence from cigarettes and snuff, which are experiencing.
There are many methods for quitting smoking. Explore them and stop two or three that will help you to quit the habit. This is because everyone is different and does not know which method will actually be appropriate.
The day
There was a targeted day - do not start a cigarette, do not let even a single puff. To complete their wish, do not carry cigarettes with you and never buy.
Origins is behind you
Giving up routines to ignite a cigarette is one of the most important steps in quitting smoking. You used to light a cigarette in the car - clean body and renew the seats or covers, put the bag or remove the wheel. These changes will remind you of what you have promised.
If at work you dopushi, stand and walk. Moving energizes you enough.
Avoid the company of smokers, because their presence will be difficult to abstain. If you have a habit of a lit cigarette in a bar, avoid these only smoking lounges or appropriate.
Group therapy in our country is less popular, but also offer such services. Sharing the problems associated with giving up smoking does not implement the decision so difficult and agonizing. In the conversations shared difficulties faced by any refusal of smoking. It is possible to get ready attempt to overcome some stage.
It is advisable to keep in touch with a specialist or withdrawn from smoking know who to look for in a moment of weakness.These people know how to support you in this moment not to light a cigarette again.
Consider the time you spend on smoking, you could not invest in sporting activities. Exercise improves mood and tone, both body and mind. If you are concerned about weight gain due to the refusal of cigarettes, the training will help to keep your figure.Experts advise to start with exercise gradually.
Do not be criticized if you do not pass and lit a cigarette.Consider what the reason - whether due to hunger your nicotine, stress or pressure and be prepared with adequate kontrareshenie the next moment of weakness. Until the final withdrawal from cigarettes pass through several difficult periods, the question is to hold the intention and time with other activities distract spontaneous seizures start. Good luck!

For clean lungs
Substance in broccoli helps clean up the harmful substancesfrom the lungs that accumulate in smoking, according to theresearch by scientists from Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.

Useful substance is sulforaphane. It has the ability toreactivating activity of macrophages - white blood cells that eliminate bacteria and other particles in their lungs.

Particular in the lungs of smokers is that this system of cleaning the respiratory organs is impaired because the chemicalsabsorbed by cigarette way interrupt chain processes initiated bymacrophages. The same problem is reported and in patientswith chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

According to an article in New Scientist component of broccolican be successfully applied against lung disease. Scientistssuggest that sulforafanat will improve lung function in humanswith COPD.

Smoking is the most important cause of disease and premature death from many chronic non-communicable diseases. It has been shown that 80-90% of chronic diseases of the respiratory systems; 80-85% of lung cancer, 30% of all malignancies and 25-43% of ischemic heart disease are directly related to smoking. Tobacco is an uncompromising "destroyer" of human health, exerting detrimental effects on all body systems. 


         This system is very sensitive to the impact of tobacco poisons. Nicotine (the substance that creates a strong psychological dependence) nerve damage in two main ways: direct toxic effect on nerve cells and blood vessels spasm, which affects blood flow to the brain and is manifested by headache, dizziness, weight loss memory, reducing performance and others. With prolonged smoking may be affected and the senses: hearing diminishes and weakens eyesight, increasing the risk of cataracts. 

Cardio - vascular system 

         About 25% of all diseases of the cardiovascular system are related to smoking. It shortens the life expectancy of smokers by about 10 years. 
         Each cigarette accelerates heart rate about 20 beats per minute. Smoke 20 cigarettes a day is equal to the exercise obtained by eight hours cycling against the wind. So the heart of the smoker is "tired" and "aging" more quickly. 
Addition, smoking increases blood pressure by 20 to 40%, which is due to become more frequent in cardiac contraction and blood vessels. 
         Smoking accelerates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, so that it is one of the most important risk factors for ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. Characteristic of smokers is Burger's disease, in which develop painful narrowing of the arteries of the lower limbs, resulting in a necrosis and amputation. 


         Among the most affected by tobacco systems in the body is breathing. Intake smoke irritates the airways and causes coughing and shortness of breath. But they are only external manifestations. In lungs with nicotine entering and many other toxins that cause: irritation and spasm of bronchial smooth muscle, increase their secretion of mucus and damage to the lining epithelium resnichestiya. Thus deplete bronchial patency and normal mechanisms for clearing the bronchial tree. Being developed acute and then chronic inflammatory diseases that deplete lung function. 
         In smokers is higher incidence of asthma, lung cancer and even pulmonary tuberculosis due to reduced resistance to lung to infectious agents. 

Digestive system 

         This system, through the mouth and chewing apparatus is among the first to meet with tobacco smoke. Particularly strong prejudice entering in direct contact with mucous membranes of smoke lips, tongue, vocal cords, etc. Teeth yellow and easy to break, so that smokers have unpleasant breath. They also suffer from chronic gastritis and ulcer disease. Smoking is one of the reasons for the development of gastric cancer. 


         Nicotine and other toxic substances in tobacco smoke exert their harmful effects on the endocrine glands (endocrine). A well known secretions of these glands (hormones) are biologically active substances that play a crucial role in the functions of various organs and systems, and thus on the overall development of the organism. For example, under the influence of nicotine adrenal glands secrete large amounts of adrenaline in the blood, which led to a number of adverse changes: increased blood pressure, increase heart function, increase blood sugar, extract calcium from bones, etc. 

Reproductive system 

         It has been shown that smoking has an adverse impact on sexual function. Changes occur in both the male and the female body. Male smokers often suffer from impotence and reduced fertility due to changes in the quality of semen. In women smokers are more frequent menstrual disorders (irregular menses and is more painful), infertility, premature birth and abortion. Not without significance is the earlier onset of menopause by 1 to 3 years, leading to premature aging. 
         Mothers-smokers usually have babies on average 250 grams underweight and often - with urodstva or chronic disease.When these children are more common syndrome of sudden infant death. If the mother continued to smoke after birth, it adversely affect her child through breast milk, which contains nicotine. This reduces the defenses of the newborn, which is why it is very likely to become "often ill child." 


         Smoking is one of the leading factors for the disease osteoporosis. On the one hand nicotine inhibits osteoblast function - the cells that build bone tissue in the body, on the other hand causes accelerated extraction of calcium from bones.


         Smoking sastaryava premature skin - it is grayish, lifeless granted. Appear around the lips of thousands of vertical wrinkles and smokers previously obtained old form. 


         It is estimated that about 69 chemical compounds in the composition of tobacco smoke are carcinogenic effect. Cancers develop after long-term, multi smoking, especially in those authorities which are in constant contact with tobacco smoke: lung, bronchi, trachea, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, duodenum. With the smoking of tobacco and bind to cancer: pancreatic, kidney, gall bladder, bladder, breast and others.Increased risk of cancer is determined by: genetic features, age of starting to smoke, duration of smoking, number of cigarettes smoked daily, nicotine and tar cigarettes in hand, the depth of suction of smoke and others. 

         All the above damage to organs and systems in the human body are among the most common, though not the only effects of smoking on human health. Smokers not only destroy their own health. With smoke from cigarettes damage health and nepusheshtite around people, so-called "passive" smokers.Current cigarette filters retain ingestion of certain toxic substances from the smoke, passive smokers but no filters. It is to explain the occurrence of headache, fatigue, reduced capacity, increase in heart rate, tearing eyes in many so-called "nepusheshti passive smoking, staying where they smoke.Particularly suffer from passive smoking children. Their organism is highly sensitive to tobacco poisons. Children of smokers suffer about 3 times more frequently than children of parents nepusheshtite, especially pulmonary infections, acute inflammatory diseases of the eyes, throat and airways, asthma attacks and more. They also found memory loss and hence reduction in success at school. Furthermore, smoking of parents encouraging children to early to conducting this "craft". 


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Adhatoda vasica: 
Helps to relieve all kinds of cough, cold, asthma and bronchitis. 
Glycyrrhiza glabra: 
Gets rid of the withdrawal symptoms smoking. It acts against cough and clears nasal 
Ocimum sanctum: 
Possesses anti-bacterial and laxative properties. It is also used against asthma, sinus 
and congestion. Ocimum sanctum stimulates yet calms the brain. 
Acorus calamus: 
Helps to stop smoking by inducing a kind of nausea toward smoking. It provides 
calming effect to the brain also aids in digestion. 
Syzygium aromaticum: 
Used against bronchitis, sore throat, and common cough and cold. It also aids to quit 
Zingiber officinale: 
Is known to possess laxative, anti-flatulent, and digestive and properties. It increases 
blood circulation and helps loosen up muscles. It helps to lighten emotions and bring 
about an overall enhancement of mood.
Another trump card in the fight against the terrible habit ofsmoking

Furthermore, nicotine patches, strong will and special tablets for smoking cessation, Austrian scientists have found another way to stop the habit - the exercises.
Experts from the Vienna University studied 68 volunteers, divided into two groups.
Some only used nicotine gum to quit smoking, and other chewing gum combined with regular exercise.
The results are clear-athletes ex-smokers did not think of cigarettes, while those who used only chewing gum, soon returned to the habit.
The study lasted three months. At the end of the period 80% of athletes have no intention of smoking initiation, however, while the other group only 52% have resisted the temptation to light again.
Doctors say exercise helps the body to clear faster than the years accumulated toxins from cigarettes, increase the tone and relax the accumulated strain.

"The result is such that former smokers are much more healthy way to relax instead of cigarettes - sport.
Meanwhile, former smokers who rely only on chewing gum or other medication, have no power to quit the habit because they have found his replacement for a healthy, "said study leader.
Moreover, moderate physical activity after smoking cessation, will help keep your weight after quitting.


Initially, it can be really hard to quit smoking, even if you make a resolution. See these great tips for how to quit smoking and make it stick.

New Study: tobacco companies spiked cigarettes with diet aids to hook people worried about weight

It's been nearly a century since Lucky Strike first used the slogan "Reach for A Lucky Instead of A Sweet" and decades since the early Virginia Slims advertising campaign depicted women who smoke as independent, stylish, sexy — and of course slim — to market to women and girls.

But slogans and sophisticated images weren't the only tricks in the tobacco industry's scheme to keep people smoking.

According to a new study published in 
The European Journal of Public Health, the companies added appetite suppressants to cigarettes "to enhance the effects of smoking on appetite and body weight" — and to stoke smokers' fears of gaining weight if they quit.

 "We found clear evidence that every one of the six U.S. and U.K tobacco companies elaborated the idea to put appetite depressants molecule [sic] inside cigarettes to enhance this effect," the researchers wrote.  At least two companies — Philip Morris and British American Tobacco — modified their products "to affect appetite and body weight."

The researchers studied industry documents released with the 1998 settlement of U.S. state lawsuits against the tobacco companies.  Previously disclosed documents have showed the lengths to which the big tobacco companies went to get women and girls to smoke — and keep smoking.

Women smokers, the industry knew, were most likely to want to be skinny even if they understood that by smoking, they risked getting sick.

"As a matter of fact, advertisements in magazines is the most efficient way to talk to these female smokers," a 1993 Philip Morris document states. "… Actually, one of their main … values is to look attractive. In other words, a woman cannot be attractive if she is fat."

The industry's targeting of women and girls continues. In 2008, Philip Morris announced the makeover of its Virginia Slims brand into "purse packs" — small, cosmetic-like packs that contain "superslim" cigarettes. In January 2007, R.J. Reynolds launched its Camel No. 9 cigarettes pitched to the "most fashion forward woman."

Under the new law giving the Food and Drug Administration the authority to regulate tobacco products in the United States, tobacco companies must disclose to regulators changes, including the introduction of additives, that are made in cigarettes.

No more doctoring them with diet aids. And less ability to exploit the pressure women feel to be thin.


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The body is made up of many different cells. Normally, they grow, divide and die after some time. Sometimes, cells mutate and begin to grow. Divide faster than normal cells. Instead of dying, these cells are blind to each other and form a tumor.
If these tumors are malignant, ie cancer, they can enter and "conquer" the healthy tissues of the body, thereby destroying them. Of these tumors, cancer cells can spread and form new tumors in other parts of the body - called. metastases. Contrary to them - benign tumors do not invade and spread into other organs and body parts.
There are many types of cancer, but they all begin with abnormal cell growth. Type of cancer is determined by the place where he began this process. The most common cancers in adults are skin cancer, lung, colon, breast, endometrial, ovarian and prostate.
Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in obnormalni one or both lungs. While normal lung cells to divide and develop into normal tissue, these abnormal cells grow faster and never form a healthy lung tissue. Instead, they form the so-called. "Lumps (tumors) that eventually destroy the lungs and interfere with normal function.
Lung cancer is the main cause of death in men and women. More people die from this type of cancer than from colon, breast and prostate combined.
Normal cells change into cancer when exposed to carcinogens (substances that cause cancer). They interact with different structures of cellular DNA and cause changes causes cells to mutate. In 80% of lung cancer is the result of smoking. In cigarette smoke there are over 2000 known cancer-causing chemicals. The more often and more smoke, so the risk of developing lung cancer becomes greater.
If you quit smoking, the risk decreases as the abnormal cells are replaced by healthy lung tissue, according to most doctors. After about ten years, the risk decreased by one third to half compared to that in smokers. Furthermore, quitting smoking significantly reduces the likelihood of other evidence related to this harmful habit diseases - such as cardiovascular disease, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Risk factor is anything that increases the likelihood a person will get sick from a disease, including cancer. Being in contact with risk factors or even several, does not necessarily mean that you will get sick. However, the likelihood is greatly increased.
Some of the factors associated with lung cancer are smoking, passive smoking, exposure to certain industrial substances (radon, asbestos, nickel chromates, tar, copper, arsenic) and organic chemicals, radiation, air pollutants, repeated infections such as tuberculosis, for example.
The main two types of lung cancer are called edrokletachen and small. The names come from the size of the cells that degenerate tumor itself rather than its size. Edrokletachniya cancer is much more frequent, about 80% of cases and spread to other parts of the body more slowly than retail - cell. Small cell directly associated with smoking. It is much more aggressive, growing rapidly and metastasizes early.
It may take many years before symptoms manifest major lung cancer. Often, they are mistaken for signs of a lot lighter conditions. Symptoms often appear when the disease is already at an advanced stage and treatment is limited.
Symptoms of chest and respiratory system are "tyutyundzhiyska" cough, which becomes more persistent and severe, frequently recurring bronchitis and pneumonia, discoloration and volume of sputum, haemoptysis, wheeze, wheeze and breathlessness,prolonged chest pain, shoulder or back, not associated with cough.
The rest of the symptoms of lung cancer are more general and often not related to breathing, such as fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, pain in bones and joints, incident fractures (fractures), unrelated to the immediate trauma, unexplained weight loss, swelling of face or neck, neurological symptoms such as unsteady gait, memory loss and others.
These symptoms are often due to spread of cancer to other parts of the body. They can be more specific, depending on the body which changes occur. Anyone having similar complaints, you should consult a doctor.

If you smoke, you probably others often advised to quit smoking to prevent injury to yourself and others around you. There are many reasons to make you think that really is not time to quit this harmful habit - smoking damages the brain, heart, lungs, and potency. But one rarely takes into account the advice that can not see them with my eyes. Maybe if the damage from cigarettes is more noticeable in the appearance of man, most people will quit smoking. And the fact is smoking adversely affect the appearance of man, and this can be seen, people just ignore or do not understand that two things are connected.

1. Unpleasant smile - not someone who wants healthy and white teeth as a Hollywood star, but the nicotine in cigarettes worse type of teeth whitening procedures and are quite expensive and unhealthy.

2. Psoriasis - this is an autoimmune skin disease that can occur in people who do not smoke, but the risk in smokers is higher.Even passive smokers are more at risk of psoriasis.

3. Thin hair - smoking damages your hair even. Toxic chemicals in smoke damage the DNA molecule in the hair follicles.Smokers have thinner hair compared to people who do not smoke and their hair starts to pobolyava earlier. Smokers - Men are more inclined towards early baldness.

4. Bags under the eyes - they appear when a person does not sleep and wear their own, and most smokers suffer from insomnia. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms at night makes us restless and worse our sleep.

5. Wound healing - smokers recovered more difficult after operations such as tooth extraction, lifting the tooth and periodontal procedures. Even natural procedures do not provide the required effect.

6. Yellow fingers - not only teeth but also the fingers yellow from nicotine. There are many ways a person to fix the state of their fingers (with diluted bleach, lemon juice, rubbing with wool), but it's easier and healthier to stop smoking.

7. Loss of teeth - smoking increases the risk of problems with teeth and gums. Smokers are 6 times higher risk of developing gum disease.

8. Wrinkles - smoking accelerates the aging process, so most smokers look older than their peers.

9. Slack belly - although smoking suppresses appetite, smokers have more visceral fat than nonsmokers, which are detrimental to confidence and shape.

10. Scars - blood vessels constrict due to the large amounts of nicotine, blood flow to the capillaries in the skin and other body parts is limited and this contributes to slower wound healing and the formation of bad scars.

11. Skin cancer - has been shown that smoking is a major reason for the formation of lung cancer, oral cavity, esophagus, throat and skin.

12. Development of cataract - 50% of people develop the disease until 80 years of age and cigarette smoking increases this risk because oxidative stress has on the lens.

13. Warts - it is not clear why, but it has been shown that smokers are more at risk of infection with human papilloma virus which leads to the formation of warts.

14. Stretch Marks - nicotine damage some structures of connective tissue and thus the skin is not as elastic and loses its strength. Stretch marks occur when a person lose weight or gain weight in a short period of time, but smoking is a risk factor.

15. Skin looks dry and dull - a study conducted in 1985 shows that smokers in their skin is normal to be gray, wrinkled and cheeks are hollow, because cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, which replaces oxygen, while nicotine reduces blood circulation.

I saw some really ugly and distressing facts ruin your look, but the decision whether to stop smoking remains solely yours.
Try NicoNot.

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