Need to light a cigarette too early in the morning can lead to serious health hazards. Double the higher the risk of cancer in smokers light their first cigarette within the first 30 minutes after waking up, it is clear from the study.

They have much higher levels of nicotine and other toxins in the body than people lighting up at least one hour later after getting up. It was found that the effect is independent of other habits associated with smoking.

It is known that smoking increases the risk of various cancers.

Nicotine breaks down into cotinine - a molecule associated with a risk of developing the disease, experts explain.

Researchers from the Medical College of Pennsylvania explore why only some smokers develop the disease. They examined the relationship between the time of the first cigarette after waking and cancer, irrespective of the duration and frequency of habit.

According to the research team there is a close connection between the reception of nicotine and the formation of cancer cells.

The study includes regular smokers - 4,775 people with lung cancer and a control group of 2,835 people.

It turns out that people lighting up to 30 minutes after waking in the morning is 1, 8 times more likely to develop lung cancer than those who begin to smoke 60 minutes after getting up.

The study was published in the Journal Cancer.

risks of smoking
Smoking is one of the most pernicious vices of today. There is a misconception that its harmful effects can be offset, in whole or in part, or in sports nutrition. This is a dangerous fallacy, as it slows and impedes cessation of habit and contributes to the deterioration of health.
What are the dangers of smoking, specifically?
It is known that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, but it increases the risk of many other neoplasms in any organ.
Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 different chemical compounds, of which at least 400 are toxic. The temperature of the tip of a burning cigarette is about 700 ° C, while the inside is about 60 °. This causes thermal degradation and oxidation of a large number of compounds in smoke, leading to large number of toxic compounds.
The most damaging of these are:
  • tar - a powerful kangerogen;
  • nicotine - it raises cholesterol levels in the blood, but the most harmful effect is that it causes addiction to cigarettes and makes stopping them difficult and painful;
  • carbon monoxide - binds permanently to hemoglobin in the blood, which prevents gas exchange in tissues and organs;
  • solids which stick permanently inside the airways and cause chronic degenerative disease of the respiratory tract - interstitial lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and others.
Smoking significantly shortened life expectancy. Mortality from smoking in the age group below 70 years than mortality from AIDS, breast cancer, traffic accidents and drug abuse combined.
Actually, not lung cancer, and cardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death due to smoking. It leads to hardening of the arteries and increases blood cholesterol - risk factors for atherosclerosis. When atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, leaving parts of it with blood flow. They can block major blood vessels. Also, smoking increases the risk of clots forming in the blood vessels, called thrombi, which can also block major vessels.

Coronary thrombosis can cause stroke. It is estimated that 30% of heart attacks are caused indirectly smoking. Statistics show that smokers develop coronary thrombosis average 10 years earlier than nonsmokers, and on average 9 out of heart bypass patients with a smoker.
Cerebral thrombosis leads to stroke. Also, the deterioration of cerebral blood flow in cerebral atherosclerosis leads to a decrease in cognitive function.
Other typical complications of atherosclerosis are affected renal failure in the renal arteries and gangrene and amputantsii involvement in the arteries of the limbs.
Neoplasia take "only" second place in the list of the most lethal complications of smoking. This applies mostly to lung cancer and various neoplasms of the mouth and throat.

The link between smoking and lung cancer is well documented and understood:
90% of cases are caused by smoking - if there was no smoking, lung cancer would be a rare disease. About one in ten moderate smokers and one in five intensive smoking (more than 15 cigarettes per day) died from lung cancer.
The risk is proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked per day, duration of smoking and nicotine content, tar and particulates in tobacco and smoke. The risk depends on the presence of the filter and tobacco processing prior to packaging the final product.
After quitting takes at least 15 years, while the risk of lung cancer falls to the level of a nonsmoker.
Over 80% of cases of mouth neoplasms occur in smokers. Other, much more commonly occurring neoplasms in smokers are cancer of the bladder, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, cervix, and much more.
According to the latest medical definitions, chronic obstructive disease (COPD) is collectively for a group of conditions where there is a permanent tightening of breath - emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Smoking is the most common cause of COPD - finds that 80% of cases are due to him. Moreover, 94% smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day have emphysema in one way or another.
COPD begins most often between 35 - and 45-years old when lung function starts to weaken, for physiological reasons. Smokers, however, the rate can be up to three times higher than normal. With the weakening of pulmonary dyspnoea began to show. Advanced forms of COPD hospitalizations imposed.
Male smokers between 30 - and 50-years of age are at 1.5 times higher risk of erectile dysfunction. This is due to the hardening and blockage of blood vessels in the penis - an effect that is amplified in time. Erectile dysfunction in smokers is often an indicator of the presence of atherosclerosis or clogging of vessels in other organs and systems.
Other significant health effects of smoking can be noted:
  • hypertension - continued smoking helps increase blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of existing asthma;
  • doubling of the risk of macular degeneration in smoked more than 15 cigarettes per day;
  • increased risk of cataract - cataract;

  • staining of teeth and gums;
  • increased risk of periodontal disease;
  • increase the risk of stomach ulcers and dvanadestoprastnika;
  • premature aging of the skin by reducing its blood supply of vitamin A in it.

Smoking is not only personal, but a social problem. Passive smoking imposes on others health effects, they do not have and are not willing to tolerate. Restriction of smoking in public places is a necessary step. The state should intervene to ensure public health.
Also, smoking during pregnancy puts the unborn child has a disability and risk of low birth weight. Children living in households where smoking are at double the risk of asthma, bronchitis, allergies and acute respiratory infections.
Is it appropriate to impose conditions on anyone but yourself?

Younger people with advanced lung cancer who had stopped smoking more than one year before diagnosis live longer than those who continue to smoke, shows U.S. study published in the journal Cancer.
Older patients and those with earlier stages of cancer, however, do not have this advantage.
Until recently it was only known that people who have never smoked are more likely to survive the disease, but whether former smokers fared better than continuing with the habit is unclear.
According to Amy Ferketich the University of Ohio, the study confirms that quitting smoking also brings health benefits. Her research group studies the medical records of 4,200 patients at eight medical centers in the U.S..
Patients who never smoked and have less advanced lung cancer in stage 1, 2 or 3 experienced disease more often than ex-smokers. Of smokers with cancer in the first or second stage, 72% experienced two or more years after diagnosis, while the figure is 93% for non-smokers and 76% former smokers.

15% of smokers with stage IV cancer survive two years, while non-smokers and ex-smokers the figure is 40 and 20%, respectively.
After adjusting for differences in age, race and radiotherapy, the researchers concluded that there is equal probability of death for former and current smokers with early-stage cancer. In advanced malignancies, however, patients under 85 years of age who had stopped smoking more than a year before diagnosis, are more likely to live longer than those who continue to use tobacco. For a 45-year ex-smoker, for example, the probability of death was 30% lower than the current one.
Researchers believe that continued exposure to tobacco smoke accelerates the progression of the disease. Furthermore, it is possible to influence smoking and biochemistry of the tumor, because current and former smokers develop cancers other than those of full teetotalers.
However, it is never too late to quit ...

Today Do you think you should quit?
And once again you have the courage to start, simply because it again failed? Smoking is undeniably one of the most harmful habits that a person finding it harder to quit. But that's because you have not drank any of the following, somewhat unorthodox methods.
When a person decides to stop smoking usually begins to take various medications or supplements. They certainly have an effect, but smoking is primarily a psychological habit. Smoke when we are nervous, anxious or under stress. So much easier to give up vices when they learn to recognize the situations that make you want to smoke, and learn to find her replacement. Meet with our advice and do not hesitate to try them.

1. Replace the bad habit with a good one.
If you feel that you smoke, do some light but intense exercise. Just a few minutes vigorous movements will do the trick. If you're in the office, do a quick walk into your room or climb 1-2 floors downstairs. Ten minutes of physical activity will give up the desire to smoke, and will reflect well on your body.

2. Calm down!
For many people, smoking is a natural reaction to stress. When you are under pressure and you want to smoke, relax on a comfortable chair, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Focus on the air that fills your lungs and wait until you are calm. Be sure to greet you cope with stress in a healthy way completely.

3. Eat your dark chocolate.
One of the reasons that makes quitting smoking so hard that smoking is changing the notion of pleasure in your brain. This problem can easily be solved with a piece of dark chocolate. When you dopushi, slowly eat you one, trying to enjoy it as possible. Besides replacing cigarette, chocolate raises serotonin levels. Which in turn makes us feel good and relieve us from stress.

4. Remind yourself of the consequences.
Smoking is bad! Everyone knows it, but how often do you recall? Regularly read articles about the harmful effects of cigarettes Stock up with pictures that illustrate it. Consider that put their lives at risk and say at least a few reasons why you want to live. This will surely give you the desire to reach for a cigarette.

5. Engage with something!
When you smoke, the harder it is to concentrate on your current job and get out of my mind the thought of a cigarette. Therefore it is best to find something you engage and distract you wish to start. Empty the contents of your purse or wallet and arrange it all, clean your desk, wash your teeth, wash flowers ... Do something that will redirect your thoughts from longing to start.

6. Motivate yourself!
Find a reason to get you to quit smoking. Want to protect your family from harmful smoke? Do you feel better? To look better? To lead a healthier lifestyle? Whatever, the reason must be important enough for you to think about it constantly. Proper motivation to do the task you quit much easier.

7. Ask for help!
Of particular importance is your fight against smoking is not you alone. Ask your friends and family for support. When you want to start, call a friend and talk while the desire persists. Organize a family joint activities to distract you and keep your mind away from smoking. You'll be surprised how useful it can be to help your loved ones.

8. Set realistic goals.
Stopping smoking is a very difficult and long process. Do not expect to happen one day! Few are those who have succeeded in such a short period. Set more realistic goals. Progressively reduced the number of cigarettes smoke per day until they stop completely. This will make it much easier.

9. Try again!
We know that most smokers fail to quit on the first try. However, this should not discourage you! Try again and again. Do not take the fact that you have failed to quit and failed. Take it as a lesson from which you learned a lot - what are your most stressful situations in which moments are most likely to start, what helped you the most ... On this basis, make an even better strategy for quitting and try again!

Doctors have the greatest role in quitting smoking, experts say. 

According to the study researchers from the Norwegian University of Oslo smoking doubles the risk of death in men and women 40 to 70 years. At this age, dying just 9% of female nonsmokers versus 26% of women who are addicted to cigarettes. For men this indicator even more pronounced - 14% and 41%. 
Smoking shortens the lives of women by an average of 1.4 years, males - 2.7. 
Interestingly, if the smoker quit by age 35 to 40, he lived almost as much as someone who never smoked. 
Although smoking is the most common proven habit, people are very difficult to part with - almost ¾ of smokers want to quit it every year and every year half of them are trying to do, but few succeed. 
Norwegian researchers believe that the physician's advice may be the strongest argument to say "goodbye" to the cigarettes. 
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, however, only half of smokers have conducted medical tests and only 63.6% of them have received advice to quit smoking. 

Experts believe that to doctors who do not advise their patients to quit smoking, you need to take drastic action, up to revocation of the right to practice.

Smokers have a short and restless sleep than nonsmokers, German researchers report.
The study included 1,071 smokers and 1,243 people who do not use tobacco. Participants completed a questionnaire that measures sleep quality.
Data show that 17% of smokers sleep less than six hours a night, and 28% reported impaired sleep quality.
When comparing the results, it appears that only 7% of the group of non-smokers have shorter sleep, and 19% sleep restlessly.
Many factors can affect the quality of sleep, including age, weight, alcohol abuse, disease.
This study shows for the first time an increased incidence of sleep problems in smokers without available history of psychiatric or other disorders, says lead researcher Stefan Kors from Charite Medical University in Berlin.
The results do not prove that smoking is directly related to sleep disturbance, as influence may have other habits like going to bed late, watching TV, insufficient physical activity.

However, the research said that the stimulating effects of nicotine play a role in the lack of sleep.
If smokers suffer from sleep problems, this is another good reason to quit smoking, said Stephen Kors.
According to other studies, poor quality of sleep is associated with health problems such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The results were published in the journal Addiction Biology.

Until now it was believed that smoking damages the lungs and trigger heart disease. Israeli scientists have found that the habit negatively and intellect. Experts Medical Center "Sheba" studied more than 20,000 young people aged between 18 and 21, and have found that smokers IQ is lower than that of nonsmokers. What's more - the more cigarettes, the index is lower, reported the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

In a typical smoker of 18 to 21, the average IQ was 94, while abstainers 101. For more smokers pack a day, it did not exceed 90 although other indicators for all participants in the study were the same.

For now, scientists are unable to explain the exact mechanism by which smoking lowers intelligence, but are willing to accept that in some cases this is already a known fact - people with lower IQ more often heavy smokers.

Let us remind that low IQ is one of the truest signs of a tendency to heart disease. More precisely, it is second only to smoking, and only afterwards, blood pressure, and sedentary lifestyle.

According to the World Health Organization quit smoking only 2-3 percent of smokers while 90 percent of them say they want to do. There is a lot to prevent them from smoking some misconceptions associated with smoking.

For example, many people think that smoking is a habit that can easily be delivered. In the beginning it may be so, but then very quickly becomes a habit of six disease because the smoker becomes dependent on cigarettes not only mentally but also physically. Should not only be refused-> cache cigarettes, but also to heal from smoking. Recent evidence without medical help failed to quit 9 out of 10 smokers.

U wrong those who think that smoking refresh and improve performance. This is somewhat true, but very briefly burden. Then fatigue, poor mood, general fatigue returns and appears need a new fix - another cigarette. And the desire to smoke, they troubled by increasingly more often.

WARNING! Recently, scientists from the University of London finally disproved the opinion that smoking reduces stress. They found that smoking, by contrast, causes nervousness and overwhelming desire to light the next cigarette.

Some even think that it is better to smoke than fatter. But not really. First, the dangers of smoking outweigh the harm of excess weight. Second, when you quit smoking, the increase in weight is not as significant as it is usually presented, and excess weight can always be removed. In addition, many ex-smokers try to use food as compensation, replacing cigarettes and this is the reason your weight go up.

A man who gave up smoking can increase weight if replace smoking with eating. But even if this happens, the process is reversible.

Canadian Medical Research shows that year, a year after the cessation most women (and some men) have recovered their former weight. But that's not all. Patients who were able to quit smoking for two years, less risk of obesity than heavy smokers.

Smoking is the most important cause of illness and premature death from many chronic non-communicable diseases. It has been shown that 80-90% of chronic diseases of the respiratory systems; 80-85% of lung cancer, 30% of all malignancies and 25-43% of ischemic heart disease are directly related to smoking. Tobacco is uncompromised "Destroyer" of human health, proved disastrous effects on all body systems.


         This system is very sensitive to the effects of tobacco poisons. Nicotine (the substance that creates a strong psychological dependence) nerve damage in two main ways: direct toxic effect on nerve cells and blood vessels spasm, which affects blood flow to the brain and is manifested by headache, dizziness, loss memory, reducing efficiency and more. With continued smoking may be affected and the senses: hearing diminishes and weakens eyesight, increasing the risk of cataracts.

         Cardio - vascular system

         About 25% of all diseases of the cardiovascular system are related to smoking. It shortens the life expectancy of smokers by about 10 years.
         Each cigarette accelerated heart rate about 20 beats per minute. Smoking of 20 cigarettes a day is equivalent to physical activity obtained at 8:00 cycling against the wind. The heart of the smoker is "tired" and "aging" more quickly.
In addition, smoking in blood pressure increased by 20 to 40% due to the increase in heart activity and contraction of blood vessels.
         Smoking accelerates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, so that it is one of the most important risk factors for coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. Characteristic of smokers is Buerger's disease, which develops in a painful narrowing of the arteries of the lower limbs, leading to a necrosis and amputation.


         Among the most affected by tobacco systems in the body is breathing. Suctioned smoke irritates the airways and cause coughing and shortness of breath. But these are only external manifestations. In lungs with nicotine entering and many other poisons that cause: irritation and spasm of the bronchial smooth muscle, increased mucus secretion and their damage to the ciliary epithelium of the mucosa. Thus violate the bronchial patency and normal mechanisms for clearing the bronchial tree. Being developed acute and then chronic inflammatory diseases that deplete lung function.
         Smokers greater incidence of asthma, lung cancer and even pulmonary tuberculosis due to reduced resistance to lung to infectious agents.

         Digestive System

         This system, through oral and masticatory apparatus is among the first to occur in tobacco smoke. Especially strong prejudice comes into immediate contact with the smoke mucosa of the lips, tongue, vocal cords, etc. Teeth turn yellow and break easily, so that smokers have unpleasant breath. They also suffer from chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Smoking is one of the reasons for the development of gastric cancer.


         Nicotine and other toxins in tobacco smoke exert their harmful effects on the endocrine glands (endocrine glands). A well known secretions of these glands (hormones) are biologically active substances that play a crucial role in the functions of various organs and systems, and hence on the overall development of the organism. For example, under the influence of nicotine adrenal glands secrete large amounts of adrenaline in the blood, leading to a number of adverse changes in: blood pressure, increase in heart beat, increased blood sugar, extract calcium from bones, etc.

         Reproductive system

         It is proven that smoking adversely affects sexual function. Changes occur in both the male and the female body. Male smokers often suffer from impotence and reduced fertility due to a change in the quality of semen. Women smokers are more common menstrual disorders (irregular menses and is more painful), infertility, premature birth and abortion. It is of importance and the earlier onset of menopause by 1 to 3 years, leading to premature aging.
         Mothers who smoke usually have babies on average 250 grams underweight and often - with urodstva or chronic illness. When these children are more common syndrome and sudden infant death. If the mother continued to smoke after birth, it adversely affects their child through breast milk, which contains nicotine. This reduces the defenses of the newborn, so it is very likely to become "often ill child."


         Smoking is one of the leading factors for the disease osteoporosis. On one hand, nicotine suppresses the function of osteoblasts - the cells that build bone tissue in the body and the other causes accelerated extraction of calcium from bones.


         Smoking prematurely ages skin - it becomes a gray, lifeless granted. Appear around the lips of thousands of vertical wrinkles and smokers previously mined old form.


         It is estimated that about 69 chemical compounds in the composition of tobacco smoke are carcinogenic. Cancers develop after a long, multi-smoking, especially in those bodies which are in constant contact with tobacco smoke: lung, bronchi, trachea, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, duodenum. With tobacco smoking and cancer associated disorders: pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder, bladder, breast and others. Increased risk of cancer is determined by: genetic conditions, age of starting to smoke, duration of smoking, number of cigarettes smoked daily, nicotine and tar in the cigarettes used, depth of suction liners and more.

         All the above damage to organs and systems in the human body are among the most common, though not the only effects of smoking on human health. Smokers not only destroy their own health. With smoke from cigarettes can damage the health of non-smoking people around them, the so-called "passive" smokers. Current cigarette filters retain the absorption of some toxic substances in the smoke, passive smokers but no filters. It is to explain the occurrence of headache, fatigue, reduced performance, increase in heart rate, watery eyes in many so-called "non-smoking passive smokers" living where smoking. Particularly suffer from passive smoking children. Their organism is highly sensitive to tobacco poisons. Children of smokers suffer about 3 times more frequently than children of non-smoking parents, especially lung infections, acute inflammatory diseases of the eyes, throat and respiratory system, asthma and others. They also found memory loss and thus reduction of success at school. Furthermore smoking parents encourage children to proceed to early this "craft".
Upon refusal of habit - smoking, instead of suspicious betting synthetic drugs, it is best to turn to nature. There are many and various herbs that will help you in this endeavor. When nicotine when you stop smoking, be received and nervous disorders. Will stop the habit should be stimulated, and the body is necessary to help overcome the harmful effects of poisons accumulated with years of nicotine.

As with all herbs, it is desirable to read the statement and follow dosage. Here are some herbs that can help in quitting the habit:

Lobelia - this is a beautiful ornamental plant, but the herb is little known here. She has had a calming effect and may help by reducing the desire for nicotine. After taking this herb, the taste of cigarettes is disgusting

St. John's wort - this is a traditional herb that also called magic herb. It improves the tone and contributes to a positive attitude. For anyone who really wants to stop smoking, this attitude is critical.

Black kohosh - tea from this herb is recommended for calming the nerves and irritability, which is unpleasant companion in the initial phase of quitting.

Blue vervain - the best natural tranquilizer, it is suitable for removal of nervous tension stress of quitting

Catnip - herb soothes the digestive system is irritated that the period of withdrawal from cigarettes.

Hyssop - helps in the treatment of lung secretions, relieves anxiety and hysteria that appear when you quit smoking.

If you really aspire to quit smoking, find out which herbs will help, but be sure to consult a pharmacist - not all combinations are appropriate.

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