On May 31 celebrate World No Tobacco Day. Each year on this date with various initiatives focusing on health risks associated with tobacco use. 

Statistics for health damage from smoking is becoming increasingly alarming. Smoking kills about 5 million people annually. More than 1 billion smokers are in the world, nearly 100 million were Europeans. More than 770 million children in the world are exposed to passive smoking. 

In recent years, experts warn of a worrying trend regarding the increased number of smokers. According to global data, 40% of men and 9% of women worldwide smoke. 

Each year 1.5 million women die from diseases caused by smoking. 

In EU countries the number of cancer cases associated with tobacco use is increasing faster in women than in men. There is a sharp increase in female mortality from cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lungs caused by smoking. 

The trend of increasing proportion of women who smoke, are clearly seen in Bulgaria. 

Women smokers are more likely to suffer from infertility and delayed conception. The ladies who smoke during pregnancy are at increased risk of premature birth, birth of a dead fetus or newborn death. Smoking can lead to a reduction in breast milk. 

Cigarettes and reduce the effectiveness of assisted reproduction such as IVF. 

Because of these facts, the theme of this year's World No Tobacco Day was the harm of smoking on pregnancy. 

Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 harmful substances and carries a high health risk for lung cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Tobacco use is the cause of at least one cancerous neoplasm in 7 worldwide, including lung cancer and respiratory, head kidney, bladder, cervix. Each year, registering about 1.2 million new cases of lung cancer. 

Statistics show that 90% of all deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are caused by smoking cigarettes.90% of deaths due to lung cancer in men and almost 80% of deaths in the same cancer, but women are caused by smoking because the toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke can transform cells airway malignant. 

Smoking not only damages the lungs, but a number of other vital body parts. Habit causes than bad breath, accelerated aging of cells, reduces fertility and cause impotence. 

Passive smoking is a major risk factor for acute and chronic respiratory diseases, reduced lung function in children and young people, and increased respiratory symptoms in adults.When the mother is smoker, the risk of respiratory illness in children is 2 times higher. 

Bulgaria occupies one of the leading places in Central and Eastern Europe and the world in tobacco consumption, as an extremely high level of smoking was observed among young people. Smoking usually starts at an early age. Most young people underestimate the potential of tobacco to create addiction. Pharmacological and behavioral processes that determine tobacco and nicotine addiction are similar to those of other drugs such as heroin and cocaine. 

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