Pill created by Bulgarian scholars under Communism, can help millions of smokers to quit forever by the deadly habit, according to a new British study cited by U.S. media.

Bulgarian light may be one of the main weapons of mankind against smoking in poor countries, but is not yet clear whether it will reach markets in the U.S. and Western Europe. The drug, called cytisine, is now used mostly in Eastern Europe, where smokers usually take the pill within three to four weeks. It does cost to patients from 5 to 17 dollars a month, which is void against the nearly one hundred U.S. dollars for eight weeks treatment with nicotine patches. Far more expensive and out of medication Pfizer, which cost $ 300 sworn smoker.

Tsitizinat "is so cheap that you can afford to smoke and then stop, even in developing countries," said Dr. Robert West of University College London, who led the study.

Tsitizinat currently sold as "Tabex" by Sopharma - Bulgaria-based company. The drug is extracted from the seeds of the laburnum plant that contains natural nicotine substitute.According to new research line, the Bulgarian light sworn triples the chances of smokers to quit for one year. Tsitizinat sold in Eastern Europe for 40 years, but authorities in Western Europe and the U.S. never gave him the green light, noted several U.S. publications. Many experts suggest that it will never reach the West, since the goal will be sold by any of the major pharmaceutical companies. / BGNES

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