Smoking during pregnancy damages the health of the mother and the fetus, and the finding is confirmed by many studies.

Studies from recent years show that smokers get pregnant more difficult. Their fertility is reduced by about 30%, compared with nonsmokers. Smoking is a risk of stopping ovulation and reducing the release of the hormone progesterone - necessary for implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus and retention of pregnancy until the placenta develops. This is confirmed by the fact that unsuccessful artificial insemination are the most common in smokers.

Smoking women during pregnancy or lactation can be considered as the equivalent of passive smoking to the fetus, experts say the Ministry of Health.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 different substances, including:
irritants and systemic toxic agents such as hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, formaldehyde;
carcinogenic and mutagenic (influence of genes) substances: arsenic, chromium, nitrosamines, benzpireni;
harmful to reproduction substances - nicotine, cadmium, carbon monoxide, etc..

It is believed that most toxins are transmitted to the fetus through the placenta.

Injury to the fetus by tobacco smoke is related to the quantity of cigarettes smoked - the more smoking women, the higher the risk. Studies show that if the mother quit smoking during the first 3 months, the risk to the health of your baby is commensurate with this baby in a mother who never smoked.

Influence of smoking on the body of the mother
Nicotine causes physiological dependence, equivalent to that of heroin, experts say. Through the lungs and blood vessels, the substance reaches the brain within 7 seconds after ingestion of cigarettes. Nicotine increases the velocity of blood flow and raises blood pressure, which makes the heart consumes more oxygen. The effect of nicotine is enhanced by carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke.

Pushed carbon monoxide oxygen from red blood cells. As a result, tissues, including heart, receive less oxygen, although due to the effects of nicotine heart there is a need for more oxygen. On the other hand carbon monoxide and other harmful ingredients in tobacco smoke damage the cells of the innermost layer of the arterial wall, which is a key moment for atherosclerotic changes. For their help and lipid changes - increased cholesterol.

Harmful substances in tobacco smoke can increase the ability of blood to clot, and in the presence of atherosclerotic plaque fragile "increased possibility of arterial thrombosis in court, which determines its partial or complete blockage of all the hazards these processes.

Due to the toxic effect on ovaries, and the collapse of the artificial estrogen in the liver in women smokers with menopause occurs 2-3 years earlier. The combination of contraception and smoking leads to 3-4 times higher risk of acute heart attacks.Several studies reported that smokers are at higher risk of developing cancer of the cervix.

Effects on the placenta and umbilical cord
Nicotine reduces blood flow to both the placenta and the umbilical cord, which prevents one of the most important vital functions of the placenta - the exchange of oxygen between the mother and fetus, detoxification, hormonal options. When smokers are lower and levels of estriol - a hormone produced by the placenta. It is stored various toxins that can lead to other toxic damage.

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