Today is great day to stop smoking! Right?

Day after day, cigarette after cigarette. Things go. You think you are healthy and that your good cheer and put tobacco more attractive ads. As one of the adventurer, wearing a leather camel background ... Yes, this is smoking. Irresponsible adventure own and others' lungs, and hence to global health.

How does smoking harm the pocket ...
We all heard about the damage of cigarettes, and the inscription on each box: "Smoking kills!" did not affect the more tough-smokers.

Many believe that you're going to die - let's be nice. Others say they smoke negligible quantity of purified tobacco, so do not feel threatened.

Third laugh at me, saying: "I decided I'm not refusing them!"However, they all know they are dependent.

Toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke
Nicotine is a drug. Yes, it is a substance with rapid sedative effect on the psyche. It takes only seven to eight seconds after inhalation of tobacco smoke to enter you in lung alveoli into the blood nicotine molecule to reach the brain.

Yes, nicotine products are legal, but that does not mean they are harmless. Desire of certain circles in society to proclaim "normality" of smoking based on tradition, is the marketing policy with centuries of tradition and strong interests.

In Rome, the massacre of people in the arena was also normal, like slavery before the advent of modern U.S. and Europe.Nicotine is a substance with no social future.

Carbon monoxide (CO)
This substance occurs in the form of toxic gas. Formed during the combustion of tobacco and enters the blood of smokers in lung alveoli.

Immediately after this was offset by red blood cells where it combines with hemoglobin 240 times stronger than the relationship of carbon dioxide - hemoglobin.

This means that carbon monoxide competes and dominates, and thus hampers breathing by blocking normal breathing circuits.

This, accompanied by low levels of red blood cells, leading to chronic fatigue, dizziness and headache. Something very familiar for women smokers.

Some carbon monoxide molecules reach various organs and tissues where they have many negative effects. Broadly speaking, slowing cellular metabolism.

Suffice it to slow down metabolism and action of erythrocytes (RBC) for a long time to talk about delayed recovery, slow food and slow growth of all cells kislorodnozavisimi.

Muscle tissue is rich in myoglobin, like hemoglobin in red cells, it binds and carries oxygen in muscles for successful realization of the Krebs cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle).

However, heart muscle and is also one which does not stop working. Sometimes carbon monoxide to break the link with hemoglobin and hemoglobin associated with a heart. As a result, the disease may develop cerebral ischemia of the heart (ischemia).

In endothelial cells induces the release of free radicals, including peroksinitrit.

In the brain, leading to capillary bleeding, mitochondrial malfunction, expropriation of leukocytes, and often to stimulate programmed cell death. Literally melts your brain.

Contained in cigarette smoke. Inhaled, it sticks in lung cells and reduces the active surface, absorbing oxygen. In the long smoking may cover up to 70%.

Irritating to mucous membranes and is responsible for pulmonary inflammation and extraordinary burden on the heart and blood even at moderately elevated kardioaktivnost.

What is the negative effect on athletes?
reduced aerobic capacity;
additional stress on the heart;
kardiopolzite eliminated on the heart;
increased risk of heart disease in smokers doing cardio;
cigarette after cardio increases the carcinogenic effect of tobacco smoke;
metabolism slows down;
causes hormonal imbalance (leptin-androstenedione in men, leptin, estrogen, leptin, insulin);
eliminates the benefits of sport in terms of slowing the loss of bone mineral density.
Health risks associated with smoking:
premature aging;
increased risk of premature death;
doubled risk of cardiovascular disease;
ten to eleven times higher risk of lung cancer compared with smoking.
Diseases and negative effects associated with chronic smoking:
reduced potency;
supports the progression of atherosclerosis (by participating in building calcium and cholesterol plaque narrowing of blood vessels);
support the occurrence of at least 11 types of malignant (cancerous) formations;
assist the spread of air Distributable viral and bacterial infections;
leads to the occurrence of chronic bronchitis;
leads to the occurrence of emphysema;
harms the fetus and enters breast milk in pregnant and lactating women;
leads to the occurrence of coronary heart disease.
Tobacco depression (withdrawal and weight gain)
It was found that smoking affects the secretion of the hormone leptin. This hormone plays a role in the metabolism by regulating appetite and activity of fat cells.

This is particularly important for people trying to quit, because leptin levels are increased many times during nicotine withdrawal.

The periods of the voracious appetite and irritability are known as tobacco depression and those who try to stop tobacco often, but failed, always suffer from it.

This can be avoided if these include sport and active diet supplements to overcome this biological stress.

Benefits of quitting smoking
improved breathing;
improved ability to cope with sudden loads;
reduced recovery time after exertion (eg in the pauses between sets and exercises in the gym);
improved taste and olfactory osezaniya;
eventually returned to basic capabilities of the lung to absorb oxygen as it would be without a man to be smoked (for people before 65);
reduced risk of disease compared to those in active chronic smokers.

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