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The body is made up of many different cells. Normally, they grow, divide and die after some time. Sometimes, cells mutate and begin to grow. Divide faster than normal cells. Instead of dying, these cells are blind to each other and form a tumor.
If these tumors are malignant, ie cancer, they can enter and "conquer" the healthy tissues of the body, thereby destroying them. Of these tumors, cancer cells can spread and form new tumors in other parts of the body - called. metastases. Contrary to them - benign tumors do not invade and spread into other organs and body parts.
There are many types of cancer, but they all begin with abnormal cell growth. Type of cancer is determined by the place where he began this process. The most common cancers in adults are skin cancer, lung, colon, breast, endometrial, ovarian and prostate.
Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in obnormalni one or both lungs. While normal lung cells to divide and develop into normal tissue, these abnormal cells grow faster and never form a healthy lung tissue. Instead, they form the so-called. "Lumps (tumors) that eventually destroy the lungs and interfere with normal function.
Lung cancer is the main cause of death in men and women. More people die from this type of cancer than from colon, breast and prostate combined.
Normal cells change into cancer when exposed to carcinogens (substances that cause cancer). They interact with different structures of cellular DNA and cause changes causes cells to mutate. In 80% of lung cancer is the result of smoking. In cigarette smoke there are over 2000 known cancer-causing chemicals. The more often and more smoke, so the risk of developing lung cancer becomes greater.
If you quit smoking, the risk decreases as the abnormal cells are replaced by healthy lung tissue, according to most doctors. After about ten years, the risk decreased by one third to half compared to that in smokers. Furthermore, quitting smoking significantly reduces the likelihood of other evidence related to this harmful habit diseases - such as cardiovascular disease, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Risk factor is anything that increases the likelihood a person will get sick from a disease, including cancer. Being in contact with risk factors or even several, does not necessarily mean that you will get sick. However, the likelihood is greatly increased.
Some of the factors associated with lung cancer are smoking, passive smoking, exposure to certain industrial substances (radon, asbestos, nickel chromates, tar, copper, arsenic) and organic chemicals, radiation, air pollutants, repeated infections such as tuberculosis, for example.
The main two types of lung cancer are called edrokletachen and small. The names come from the size of the cells that degenerate tumor itself rather than its size. Edrokletachniya cancer is much more frequent, about 80% of cases and spread to other parts of the body more slowly than retail - cell. Small cell directly associated with smoking. It is much more aggressive, growing rapidly and metastasizes early.
It may take many years before symptoms manifest major lung cancer. Often, they are mistaken for signs of a lot lighter conditions. Symptoms often appear when the disease is already at an advanced stage and treatment is limited.
Symptoms of chest and respiratory system are "tyutyundzhiyska" cough, which becomes more persistent and severe, frequently recurring bronchitis and pneumonia, discoloration and volume of sputum, haemoptysis, wheeze, wheeze and breathlessness,prolonged chest pain, shoulder or back, not associated with cough.
The rest of the symptoms of lung cancer are more general and often not related to breathing, such as fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, pain in bones and joints, incident fractures (fractures), unrelated to the immediate trauma, unexplained weight loss, swelling of face or neck, neurological symptoms such as unsteady gait, memory loss and others.
These symptoms are often due to spread of cancer to other parts of the body. They can be more specific, depending on the body which changes occur. Anyone having similar complaints, you should consult a doctor.

8/31/2012 08:15:41 pm

Thank you, your nice article and many benefits for the readers .....


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