Smokers may one day be immunized against nicotine, so you do not get pleasure from this habit, says U.S. study.

Scientists have developed a vaccine that entered the body antibodies that fight off nicotine on entering the body.

The study, published in Science Translational Medicine, shows that the levels of chemicals in the brain were reduced by 85% after vaccination.

Incoming many tests and trials before the vaccine can be administered to humans. However, experts are encouraged by the data obtained so far.

The best way to treat nicotine dependence is a chronic Patrol antibody which clears the blood of the chemicals before they are able to have a biological effect, supplement scientists.
Smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer and increased risk of developing other cancers.

Research carried out by the National Institute of heart lung and blood diseases (NHLBI) of the U.S., confirmed that smokers quit, including physical activity, have a higher percentage of long-term success.

The study enrolled subjects aged 18 to 65 years who smoked at least five cigarettes a day during the year preceding the survey.

Estimation of physical and mental condition of smokers continued for seven weeks followed by 6 to 12 months follow-up, including periodically evaluating the behavior of smokers, a new physical activity, body fat index.

All participants underwent sixteen 60-minute interviews and twelve 20-minute telephone sessions for the evaluation of their condition.

Also receiving regular mail information regarding the program to quit. The aim was to focus the attention of smokers to their physical activity and detachment of a sedentary lifestyle.

    The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of physical activity programs to quit smoking with nicotine replacement or impact on smoking behavior.

    Was confirmed the effectiveness of programs for smoking cessation based on physical activity in combination with nicotine replacement therapy or targeted impact on changing the behavior of smokers, having a sedentary lifestyle.

In this study the best results were achieved in non medicinal methods based on reflex-therapy combined with physical activity.

Smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer and increased risk of developing other cancers, chronic lung and heart disease.

It is the only proven cause of preventable death in the U.S. and the factors leading to cancer in one third of cases a year.

A number of existing methods for quitting the habit, including nicotine replacement - medicines and chewing gum, have a high enough success rate.

However, people who have good physical activity involved in programs for smoking cessation show better long-term results in terms of change in weight after quitting smoking.

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