Younger people with advanced lung cancer who had stopped smoking more than one year before diagnosis live longer than those who continue to smoke, shows U.S. study published in the journal Cancer.
Older patients and those with earlier stages of cancer, however, do not have this advantage.
Until recently it was only known that people who have never smoked are more likely to survive the disease, but whether former smokers fared better than continuing with the habit is unclear.
According to Amy Ferketich the University of Ohio, the study confirms that quitting smoking also brings health benefits. Her research group studies the medical records of 4,200 patients at eight medical centers in the U.S..
Patients who never smoked and have less advanced lung cancer in stage 1, 2 or 3 experienced disease more often than ex-smokers. Of smokers with cancer in the first or second stage, 72% experienced two or more years after diagnosis, while the figure is 93% for non-smokers and 76% former smokers.

15% of smokers with stage IV cancer survive two years, while non-smokers and ex-smokers the figure is 40 and 20%, respectively.
After adjusting for differences in age, race and radiotherapy, the researchers concluded that there is equal probability of death for former and current smokers with early-stage cancer. In advanced malignancies, however, patients under 85 years of age who had stopped smoking more than a year before diagnosis, are more likely to live longer than those who continue to use tobacco. For a 45-year ex-smoker, for example, the probability of death was 30% lower than the current one.
Researchers believe that continued exposure to tobacco smoke accelerates the progression of the disease. Furthermore, it is possible to influence smoking and biochemistry of the tumor, because current and former smokers develop cancers other than those of full teetotalers.
However, it is never too late to quit ...

Today Do you think you should quit?
And once again you have the courage to start, simply because it again failed? Smoking is undeniably one of the most harmful habits that a person finding it harder to quit. But that's because you have not drank any of the following, somewhat unorthodox methods.
When a person decides to stop smoking usually begins to take various medications or supplements. They certainly have an effect, but smoking is primarily a psychological habit. Smoke when we are nervous, anxious or under stress. So much easier to give up vices when they learn to recognize the situations that make you want to smoke, and learn to find her replacement. Meet with our advice and do not hesitate to try them.

1. Replace the bad habit with a good one.
If you feel that you smoke, do some light but intense exercise. Just a few minutes vigorous movements will do the trick. If you're in the office, do a quick walk into your room or climb 1-2 floors downstairs. Ten minutes of physical activity will give up the desire to smoke, and will reflect well on your body.

2. Calm down!
For many people, smoking is a natural reaction to stress. When you are under pressure and you want to smoke, relax on a comfortable chair, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Focus on the air that fills your lungs and wait until you are calm. Be sure to greet you cope with stress in a healthy way completely.

3. Eat your dark chocolate.
One of the reasons that makes quitting smoking so hard that smoking is changing the notion of pleasure in your brain. This problem can easily be solved with a piece of dark chocolate. When you dopushi, slowly eat you one, trying to enjoy it as possible. Besides replacing cigarette, chocolate raises serotonin levels. Which in turn makes us feel good and relieve us from stress.

4. Remind yourself of the consequences.
Smoking is bad! Everyone knows it, but how often do you recall? Regularly read articles about the harmful effects of cigarettes Stock up with pictures that illustrate it. Consider that put their lives at risk and say at least a few reasons why you want to live. This will surely give you the desire to reach for a cigarette.

5. Engage with something!
When you smoke, the harder it is to concentrate on your current job and get out of my mind the thought of a cigarette. Therefore it is best to find something you engage and distract you wish to start. Empty the contents of your purse or wallet and arrange it all, clean your desk, wash your teeth, wash flowers ... Do something that will redirect your thoughts from longing to start.

6. Motivate yourself!
Find a reason to get you to quit smoking. Want to protect your family from harmful smoke? Do you feel better? To look better? To lead a healthier lifestyle? Whatever, the reason must be important enough for you to think about it constantly. Proper motivation to do the task you quit much easier.

7. Ask for help!
Of particular importance is your fight against smoking is not you alone. Ask your friends and family for support. When you want to start, call a friend and talk while the desire persists. Organize a family joint activities to distract you and keep your mind away from smoking. You'll be surprised how useful it can be to help your loved ones.

8. Set realistic goals.
Stopping smoking is a very difficult and long process. Do not expect to happen one day! Few are those who have succeeded in such a short period. Set more realistic goals. Progressively reduced the number of cigarettes smoke per day until they stop completely. This will make it much easier.

9. Try again!
We know that most smokers fail to quit on the first try. However, this should not discourage you! Try again and again. Do not take the fact that you have failed to quit and failed. Take it as a lesson from which you learned a lot - what are your most stressful situations in which moments are most likely to start, what helped you the most ... On this basis, make an even better strategy for quitting and try again!

Doctors have the greatest role in quitting smoking, experts say. 

According to the study researchers from the Norwegian University of Oslo smoking doubles the risk of death in men and women 40 to 70 years. At this age, dying just 9% of female nonsmokers versus 26% of women who are addicted to cigarettes. For men this indicator even more pronounced - 14% and 41%. 
Smoking shortens the lives of women by an average of 1.4 years, males - 2.7. 
Interestingly, if the smoker quit by age 35 to 40, he lived almost as much as someone who never smoked. 
Although smoking is the most common proven habit, people are very difficult to part with - almost ¾ of smokers want to quit it every year and every year half of them are trying to do, but few succeed. 
Norwegian researchers believe that the physician's advice may be the strongest argument to say "goodbye" to the cigarettes. 
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, however, only half of smokers have conducted medical tests and only 63.6% of them have received advice to quit smoking. 

Experts believe that to doctors who do not advise their patients to quit smoking, you need to take drastic action, up to revocation of the right to practice.

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