To quit smoking is difficult but not impossible. The refusal of the habit could not be provoked by another, the decision was personal and often based on their own preference and choice ...

Preference - because actually speaking lit cigarette smoke and pulling her play image, which internally we choose to emulate.Try to imagine how you see a time when smoking, can not remember what provoked you to light the first cigarette, how the experience has become a game it a habit and ultimately has led to dependence.

Ever wondered why repeated attempts to renounce smoking have met with failure? The reason is that you are not admitted to myself that the followers of thrust upon us from community model. Actually, I like you to smoke. The first essential step in quitting tobacco is to find this image. When you know who is against you, the battle is easier.

Try to quit smoking. Any attempt you dobrizhava more to search results. Studies show that people have left the cigarettes before finally stopping, made before 5-6 attempts. So it is never too late to stop.
Practical advice on how to stop smoking
Getting Started
Choose a date, but in the next 2 weeks. The important thing is that it is clear, is shown in the calendar. Otherwise perfect day never comes.
To make it easier to enforce the decision, make a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking. The reasons may be wholesome, family - children hardly feel good to feel the unpleasant odor of tobacco breath and your clothes. The financial argument is convincing.
Linking some of the events of quitting smoking also bear fruit.These include pregnancy, childbirth or grandchild, moving into a new home ...
When the day is near ...
Consider whether you could not stop on any type of exercise or a hobby to replace the holding of the cigarette and engage your mind. Specialists recommend activities such as assembling miniature models of ships, knitting, playing mobile phone, etc..
Try to limit places to light a cigarette. For example, do not smoke at home or in the car.
Informed about alternatives to cigarettes - such as nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, tablets and medications to facilitate abstinence from cigarettes and snuff, which are experiencing.
There are many methods for quitting smoking. Explore them and stop two or three that will help you to quit the habit. This is because everyone is different and does not know which method will actually be appropriate.
The day
There was a targeted day - do not start a cigarette, do not let even a single puff. To complete their wish, do not carry cigarettes with you and never buy.
Origins is behind you
Giving up routines to ignite a cigarette is one of the most important steps in quitting smoking. You used to light a cigarette in the car - clean body and renew the seats or covers, put the bag or remove the wheel. These changes will remind you of what you have promised.
If at work you dopushi, stand and walk. Moving energizes you enough.
Avoid the company of smokers, because their presence will be difficult to abstain. If you have a habit of a lit cigarette in a bar, avoid these only smoking lounges or appropriate.
Group therapy in our country is less popular, but also offer such services. Sharing the problems associated with giving up smoking does not implement the decision so difficult and agonizing. In the conversations shared difficulties faced by any refusal of smoking. It is possible to get ready attempt to overcome some stage.
It is advisable to keep in touch with a specialist or withdrawn from smoking know who to look for in a moment of weakness.These people know how to support you in this moment not to light a cigarette again.
Consider the time you spend on smoking, you could not invest in sporting activities. Exercise improves mood and tone, both body and mind. If you are concerned about weight gain due to the refusal of cigarettes, the training will help to keep your figure.Experts advise to start with exercise gradually.
Do not be criticized if you do not pass and lit a cigarette.Consider what the reason - whether due to hunger your nicotine, stress or pressure and be prepared with adequate kontrareshenie the next moment of weakness. Until the final withdrawal from cigarettes pass through several difficult periods, the question is to hold the intention and time with other activities distract spontaneous seizures start. Good luck!

For clean lungs

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