The effect of tobacco is due to that contained in its dry leaves poisonous substance called nicotine. Very little of this terrible poison to kill about one minute bunny rabbits, and lodged in the human stomach, causes vertigo, dizziness, vomiting, convulsion of the whole body, weakening of eyesight and smell, weakness and tremors, difficulty breathing, insomnia. Phenomena of poisoning last few days. Similar symptoms, but in lesser degree, were observed, as is known, and after the first cigarette. It is true that signs of acute poisoning gradually disappear in the smoker, but signs of chronic poisoning are not late.

However, whether the smoke is swallowed (inhaled) or not, whether you smoke, or just stand in a room where smoking, the damage is equally large. Because the poison, which contains tobacco (nicotine) is volatile and penetrates deeply into the smallest bronchial branches. Hence it is sucked blood in January and spread throughout the body.

This injury is particularly high for children of parents who smoke - that is why all doctors are adamant that a crime to smoke in children's rooms because of the gentle child organism smoking is particularly harmful and sometimes disastrous.

The most common symptoms of nicotine poisoning have heart disease. Tobacco accelerated heartbeat. This tired heart, and diseases like pneumonia, for which there is fever, borne only by the healthy heart. Wu smokers are harming the blood vessels of the heart and develop atherosclerosis, but it leads to heart attacks. They meet at tyutyundzhiite much more frequently than in non-smokers. Moreover, smoking often causes arrhythmia, angina, claudication preseklivo with severe pain in one leg due to cramps and blockage of an artery, sometimes long and gangrene of one or both legs.

Most suffered heart to the 50 th year - then it expands and gets a special name "tobacco heart." Early aging in some people is largely due to this poison.

Smokers often suffer from catarrh of the throat, sore throat with refilling of the votes. The worst however is the impact of tobacco on the bronchi. To develop chronic bronchitis, leading to expansion of the lungs (emphysema) with the consequence frequent cough and shortness of breath with physical exertion.Moreover, air bubbles (alveoli) stretch excessively and lose its elasticity. Lung cancer develops in smokers 10-20 times more frequently than among nonsmokers, depending on the number of cigarettes smoked daily.

Many argue that smoking ruin your teeth, acts on the enamel.Maybe it is the poor impact on the stomach, which refuses to accept the poison, but insists smoker. Receiving digestive disorders: loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, numbing, especially taste and smell, and finally it seems that the occurrence of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum is largely caused by the harmful effects of nicotine that causes contraction of blood vessels in the gastric mucosa.

Tobacco causes great harm to the nervous system: general nervousness, severe irritability, cowardice, inclination to melancholy, dizziness, depression, tinnitus, insomnia, tremors of the hands and feet glow in the eyes, memory loss and other mental qualities , neuralgia, inflammation of the optic nerve with worsening vision.

Some tobacco stops the growth of the growing organism. Cells do not develop well because young people can not grow normally.

In the long smoking tobacco nicotine passes into the blood and through it reaches to the other organs and gonads. It is observed among men decreased sexual power that the suspension or restriction of smoking is restored, and the women - infertility and miscarriage. Women who want to become mothers to give up time from this despicable and dangerous habit.

Newborn health depends mainly on the health of the mother.Smoking adversely affects the fetus and the pregnant because nicotine passes into the blood of mother and child. It reflects badly on the stern and a mother who smokes.

Tobacco poison passes into the blood not only in respiratory organs, and the skin. Clothing impregnated with smoke keep it for long and transmit it through the skin of the blood. Do we want to limit the harmful effect to a minimum, we should make a full airing of the long room. To change clothes and leave long out of air for complete exemption from the smoke.

How to otviknem smoking tobacco? In the fight for tobacco abuse should never recommend a moderate use of tobacco. For moderate use turns into abuse of its effects, disease and degeneration. In this struggle requires only a drive.

The best way to stop smoking tobacco is to suddenly decide not to smoke ever, not to make arrangements, such as: "I only smoke one cigarette per day or one cigarette after each meal." We must compromising habits and wishes. Only complete withdrawal will defeat evil once and for all.

A. disuse of smoking in milder cases. Once you decide to quit tobacco, Get 1 kg of pure honey.

Morning when you open your eyes and before they appear in you wish to light their first cigarette, eat a full tablespoon of honey. Then quickly become of the bed, put on and 10 minutes after you eat honey, drink a glass of hot milk with no sugar and no bread.

Before lunch and dinner (30 minutes) repeat the same with honey and milk.

At other times when you are smoking initiation, or eat one fresh or dried apricot, or plum - they kill the desire to smoke.

Practice this for 3-7 days and noticed I'm not used to from this bad for you and your loved ones habit.

B. disuse of smoking in severe cases:

I. Morning, afternoon and evening 20 minutes before a meal into a sugar cube (or teaspoon) with water and 15 drops of tincture of grains of green oats.

II. Ten minutes after the honey drink a cup of 100 g otvarka of the 12 herbs for blood purification: agrimoniya, pine tips, Greek nettle, Easter, St. John's wort, yellow yarrow, plantain (with narrow leaves), leaves of wild strawberry, raspberry leaf, stinky woodruff, walnut leaves and red juniper - grains in 30 g of each.From this mixture 2 tablespoons brew with 500 g of boiling water and boil on low heat 15 minutes, but as cool, strain.

Diet - as well as chronic drinking (alcoholism).

Instead of water, if granted otvarki are insufficient to drink infusion of plantain deciduous (leaf) - 20 sheets brew with 500 g of boiling water, soak the lid 1 hour and strain.

III. Two hours after eating drunk in 1 cup of 75 grams of Icelandic lichen otvarka 40 years, field horsetail 50 g 75 g budaritsa, common nettle and knotgrass 100 From this mixture 2 tablespoons brew with 500 g of boiling water low heat and boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain.

IV. Bedtime: 1-2 nights in a row in a warm enema with 1 liter of chamomile tea (enhanced with 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda), then whenever such constipation enema with 1 liter of chamomile tea, after which for 10-20 nights in a row to make all warm bath (36-37 ° C for 10-20 minutes) with otvarka Field elder - the whole herb with the root (10-15 roots of elder) and 1 pot of water boil 30 minutes but as cool water pour into the tub, after each bath is made with 1-2 dry wrap blankets for better sweat while lying so 2-3 hours. Moreover, the same otvarka can make 2-3 consecutive baths and warmed to said temperature. In the absence of a bath to put "wet shirt, soaked in the same otvarka - lies in its 2-3 hours.

V. Morning, even with opening the eyes, makes autosuggestion by the formula: "Every day I feel a growing aversion to tobacco and soon will leave him forever." Said quickly, whisper and strong-willed 20-fold (see suggestion and autosuggestion "section I), followed by dry brush massage the whole body of 5 minutes and friction of the armpits, abdomen and genitals with warm water and then dressing and 10-20 deep breaths to exhale slowly.

Sunday - if you do not feel the urge to smoke - a break from everything to hike in the mountains, otherwise treatment is continued.

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