
Appear the first symptoms of nicotine "hunger", which indicates that your body begins to be released by nicotine. 


Your heartbeat slows down and your blood pressure is lowered, although it may take several weeks until they are completely normal. 


In your body will no carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke, the lungs begin to work a little better, but weakens the blow. 

2 days 

Your sense of smell and taste improve. 

2 to 12 weeks 

Circulation improves your body, leading to greater ease in walking and jogging. 

3 to 9 months 

Coughing, wheezing and breathing difficulties you down and work of the lungs is improved by about 10%. 

5 years 

Your risk of heart attack becomes 2 times smaller than that of smokers. 

10 years 

Your risk of ill from lung cancer also decreased 2-fold compared with that of smokers and the risk of heart attack is so low as in someone who never smoked. 

         Besides health, we should not forget the financial benefits of quitting smoking: 
                  • One pack of cigarettes cost money. Calculate how much money you "burn" smoke-free throughout their lives. Some smokers spend on cigarettes as much money as does a new luxury car; 
                  • The work will be more productive and more rarely absent due to illness. Today the best employers in the world accept a job only smokers; 
                  • By not smoking will suffer less, but each disease is associated with costs. In this way you will avoid the costs that smoking triggers. 

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