Why and how to stop smoking? 
Once you stop smoking, your sense of taste and smell will be recovered after several days. 

Once you stop smoking, your breathing will again be evenly and lightly. 

Once you stop smoking, your pace of life will again become a regular ' 
while you sleep - really refreshing. 

Once you stop smoking, will become more relaxed and will regain the forgotten taste of life: 
stress, anxiety and feelings of irritability provoked by disuse, will quickly disappear (may help therapeutic methods) and the benefits will quickly outweigh the disadvantages. 

Once you stop smoking, you'll spend less money and will even make a saving. 
Allocation of money away that you spent on tobacco to buy something long dream is a good motivation. 

The effect of weight gain during the period of disuse secondary disappears after about three months. 

Once you quit smoking, skin and hair will restore healthy appearance, 
moreover, fingers, teeth and breath you will no longer grant your harmful habits. 

Once you stop smoking, will resume their place in society; 
emergence of more and more areas where smoking is prohibited, allows water to a healthy and normal lifestyle, avoiding constant temptations associated with tobacco. 

Regardless of your age and whether you smoke regularly or only occasionally, always a good time to stop smoking 
even have to try several times. 

Currently, there are several effective methods.-And this is
Your chances of quitting successfully are greatly increased with thoughtful preparation and effective planning.

If you have followed the tips so far you will have learnt about the power of nicotine addictionwhy you smoke and how to deal with nicotine addiction,weight gain, cravings and stress.

It is now time to begin putting this together in your personal quitting plan.

Top 10 Tips on Stopping Smoking
1. Start with some pre-preparation by ensuring that you really do want to quit smoking cigarettes and understanding why you smoke.

Are these reasons powerful enough to motivate you when you are faced with those tricky situations?

Write down your reasons for quitting. You may want to take a look at some of the benefits of quitting.

2. Set yourself a date for quitting. Try and choose a date that will be stress free but when you can find plenty to do to keep yourself busy. Try and set a date within about two weeks of reading this.

3. Ask your doctor for advice. This is especially important if you have health problems or are concerned about issues such as weight gain.

4. Consider finding yourself a quitting partner relatives, work colleagues and friends are a good place to start. Set a date to quit together and you will be able to give each other support.

5. Tell your family and friends about your intentions. Ask them for their support before you quit and explain that you may not be yourself while experiencing withdrawal. When you reach your quitting date rely on those that have been most encouraging for support.

6. Think about starting an exercise program and a sensible eating plan. Again speak to your doctor or dietician. Exercise will give you more energy and help you to relax and relieve stress.

7. You should know what triggers your desire for a cigarette, such as stress, the end of a meal, drinking in a bar, etc. Avoid these triggers while you are trying to quit or if that's  not possible, decide how you will deal with the triggers.

8. Decide what you will do when you experience cravings. As we've discussed deep breathing, a short walk and keeping you self busy will help to take your mind off the cravings. Perhaps you can think of other ways. Write them down. Remember these cravings will only last for 3-5 minutes at a time.

9. If you have tried quitting before maybe you came across a stumbling block which we have discussed such as finding something to do with your hands. If so, you need to arm yourself with a solution to these foreseeable problems. Get yourself a pen, or stress relief aid to fiddle with, if occupying your hands is a problem.

10. Be positive and confident you can quit. You have spent time and energy planning how you will deal with the task ahead by following our tips for giving up smoking. Believe you can and you will do it if you persevere.

Ten of thousands of people are quitting every day around the world. You can be one of them.


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